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Chuck's Occasional Rants (now banned in 15 countries)

This is where I rant about my life, the way things are going, the state of the nation, or anything else that catches my attention. These entries reflect my opinion on a given subject. That opinion may be viewed as anything from informed to insane, but nonetheless it is mine. If you disagree with me, remember no one is forcing you to read this blog. As to the blog name, according to sources, the content of this blog most likely violates certain banned speech laws in 15 countries.

Location: Parts Unknown, Pennsylvania, United States

I am male, 41, heterosexual, caucasian, and still living (to the best of my knowledge). I won't mention my political views as I am sure that you will figure them out from the entires in this blog (unless you are a Tea Party member in which case you are probably too uneducated and downright stupid to figure it out.)

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

The Official Response Should Be, "Get Bent!"

Hello again loyal readers! I hope everyone is well.
The subject of todays rant is the current attempt by the Chinese eneregy company CNOOC to takeover UNOCAL.
For those who do not know what I am talking about, the Chinese energy company CNOOC has put in a bid to takeover UNOCAL. The CNOOC bid currently stands at $18.5 billion. CNOOC has competition in the bid for UNOCAL from Chevron (whose current bid is $16.5 billion). CNOOC is currently owned by the Chinese government (as are most Chinese firms).
For once I agree with the Bush Administration (imagine that!) who called this takeover bid a threat to national security. Congress endorsed a resolution that would block the sale of UNOCAL to CNOOC as exactly that, a threat to national security. On Monday, July 4th, while America was celebrating its independence from tyranny, the ChiCom Foreign Ministry decided to get in its two cents. The ChiCom Foreign Ministry released a statement saying, "We demand that the U.S. Congress correct its mistaken ways of politicizing economic and trade issues and stop interfering in the normal commercial exchanges between enterprises of the two countries. CNOOC's bid to take over the U.S. Unocal company is a normal commercial activity between enterprises and should not fall victim to political interference. The development of economic and trade cooperation between China and the United States conforms to the interests of both sides."
Now I am no politician, but I think my official response to this "demand" would be something along the lines of "Get Bent!" or "Demand in one hand and shit in the other and see which get full faster!" or perhaps the simple "Go to Hell!" would suffice. The message to the ChiComs should be direct and harsh. It should be along the lines of when you people learn about freedom, democracy, human rights, and what a free market economy REALLY is, then talk to us about "normal" economic activities. If CNOOC is allowed to acquire UNOCAL, that would be the equivalent of having allowed the Soviets to acquire a company like IBM! The sale of UNOCAL to CNOOC must be blocked lest we allow our future energy supply to be dictated by Communist China. I don't know about you, but to me it makes no sense to have spent 40 years defeating one Communist regime (the Soviets) only to have another start dictating to us. So as for me, my official response to this ChiCom demand is "Go fuck yourselves!"
I am Chuck, this has been my rant, and if you are a ChiCom and don't like it...tough!


Blogger Chuck said...

Folks, this is one of the few times when you will get to see me censor a comment.
It would seem that a "joeyvz04punelson" has taken it upon himself to be the first commenter to post a spam comment.
To make a long comment short, his post concerned "news" in the automotive financing industry. The post was not news, but a spam message.
Since this obvious illiterate never read the rules of this blog, I have taken corrective action by deleting his comment.
Mr joeyvz04punelson be aware that this is your ONLY warning. Do NOT spam this blog again or I will be forced to take harsher action against you (such as asking Blogger/Google to permanently ban you). This blog will NOT be spammed. I simply will not tolerate it. You have been hereby warned. That is all. You are dismissed.

3:08 AM, August 15, 2005  

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