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Chuck's Occasional Rants (now banned in 15 countries)

This is where I rant about my life, the way things are going, the state of the nation, or anything else that catches my attention. These entries reflect my opinion on a given subject. That opinion may be viewed as anything from informed to insane, but nonetheless it is mine. If you disagree with me, remember no one is forcing you to read this blog. As to the blog name, according to sources, the content of this blog most likely violates certain banned speech laws in 15 countries.

Location: Parts Unknown, Pennsylvania, United States

I am male, 41, heterosexual, caucasian, and still living (to the best of my knowledge). I won't mention my political views as I am sure that you will figure them out from the entires in this blog (unless you are a Tea Party member in which case you are probably too uneducated and downright stupid to figure it out.)

Monday, April 11, 2005

A Tragedy

Hello again kind and loyal readers. Today I am writing with a heavy heart.
It would seem that this past week a tragedy struck my girlfriend. Her beloved dog Hicks was cruelly and deliberately murdered by a complete asshole!
The Story:
On Tuesday or Wednesday of this past week (I don't remember, the days have been hectic and blurred together), I was told by my mom that my friend Charlie was urgently trying to get ahold of me and that I was to call him at my g/f's place. I did so and was met with the news that Hicks had been killed. After asking about how my g/f was doing, I asked him what happened. He told me (later confirmed by the neighbors) that Hicks had escaped out of the front door of the house when my g/f's daughter came over. Hicks then ran to the edge of the small street that she (my g/f) lives on. Hicks was standing between the road and the mailbox (a space of about two feet) and was well off the road. While Hicks was escaping, a couple of guys were (illegally) driving their 4 wheeler ATVs up and down the road at high rates of speed.
Hicks, having some experience with roads and being scared by the noise, stood by the side of the road and watched. One of the ATV riders, having been suitably "liquored up" and feeling his own inadequecy, started at the other end of the street. He ran a stop sign, acheived a speed of 55 miles per hour, then apparently saw Hicks, swerved towards him (remember Hicks is off the road and in the yard), and in an instant mortally injured the dog. The asshole on the ATV hit Hicks so hard that he flung him about 20 feet, then he ran over him again. This time Hicks got caught in the wheels of the ATV and was dragged the better part of 100 feet. After hitting Hicks the second time, the asshole stated "I just hit somebody's ugly fuckin' dog!" He then took the ATV to the house of a person he knows and ask the person to conceal the ATV so as to avoid getting in trouble. Hicks was immediately taken to the veteranarian. Sadly, Hicks died shortly after arriving at the vet's office due to massive internal injuries sustained as a result of the asshole's hitting him. After literally begging the Pennsylvania State Police quartered at Elizabethville (they refused to respond three times, that is they refused the 911 call three times), they finally came down. By this time, the local equivalent of an old west lynchmob had formed. The trooper who responded was refusing to do anything until a guy on another ATV passed by. Then, and only then, did the trooper believe the 20-odd witnesses and went to the asshole's house. (Gee, makes one feel good about the police protecting them. "Nope, sorry sir/maam, we can't do anything. Don't care how many of you witnessed the crime. Sorry but we're either too lazy or incompetant." As I said to a friend afterward, the PSP should stick to writing traffic tickets, after all, they certainly aren't good at things like, oh, maybe LAW!) Upon the arrival of the PSP at the asshole's house, the asshole told the trooper that it was an accident (not a deliberate act, which it actually was). The trooper, ignoring the statements of 20-odd witnesses, believed the asshole. He was cited for riding the ATV on a public street. The the trooper came back and informed my g/f of such. The trooper also stated that if a suitable arrangement could be made as to restitution for the dog, all charges pending against the asshole would be dropped.
Well, I did some checking. The trooper cannot drop the charges, nor can he not file them unless they are unfounded (i.e. no evidence). If the trooper decides not to file, he can be charged with criminal conduct himself (this according to a source at the PA Atty Gen.'s office). Furthermore, this was no accident. This asshole on the ATV deliberately swerved, he deliberately hit the dog, and then he willfully tried to conceal the evidence of his crime, he was also operating the ATV while under the influence of an intoxicating liquor. If Hicks had been human instead of being a dog, this would have been a vehicular homicide or deliberate murder.
Hicks was a sweet, little Chihuahua/Jack Russel mix. He was full of life. He liked everyone he met. He loved to jump, especially at feeding time when he would jump up and bounce off of your butt. He used to snuggle up to my g/f in bed (he would even bury himself in the covers) when I wasn't here. Hicks didn't even dislike cats! He didn't deserve to be murdered by a worthless, drunken reprobate who obviously gets his jollies from destroying things or animals. Why did you do it asshole? Making up for a, um, inadequacy? Feeling a little short? Or were you just an abused child? Why did you feel the need to MURDER a helpless little dog? Did it make you feel like a man? It is my conclusion that you, asshole, are among the most worthless pieces of humanity, lower than shit. You certainly couldn't live up to the standard of behaviour set by a little dog who hurt no one. I would thrash you, but you aren't even worth my time, you piece of shit. You will probably forget, and you and your braindead ignoramus buddies will have a good laugh about this. I will not and neither will my g/f. I hope my reader will not also. And speaking to the readers of this blog, you may want to let the asshole know how you feel (cards, letters, etc).
The asshole's name is PAUL ENDERS III, he lives on PINE STREET in MILLERSBURG, PA. His phone number is [has been removed at the request of my g/f]. (The zip in Millersburg is 17061. If you put a name and rudimentary address on things they usually get there [it is a small town])
It is time to show Mr. Enders how much stupidity and cruelty cost.
I am Chuck, and this has been my rant.
P.S. Don't bother sending a takedown notice. The statement contained in this post are factual and part of a publically available record (the police report). So give it up. Oh, and I do not intimidate easily!


Blogger Chuck said...

While I thank you for your comment, I have a few questions.
First, does your mommy and daddy know that you are using their computer to post inflammatory comments? You comments show you're obvious lack of maturity, not to mention your total lack of empathy in this case.
As for controlling "the destiny of a pathetic creature." I got you to comment didn't I?
On top of everything, any animal regarded as a pet does indeed have a right to survive and be treated humanely (see US Humane Laws). Game animals are a different subject which I will not address here.
I would advise you to consider your comments carefully before you engage in another drunken rave.
I addressed your comment merely because you put it here. Otherwise I could care less about the opinion of an obvious mental deficient such as yourself.
Oh, one last thing, the rules for this blog ask that you post "constructive criticism" if you comment. I regard your comment as both a flame and an attempt to troll. Therefore, while you are invited to read and constructively comment on a post, I must caution you that one more flame will result in your comments being removed and a request to blogger to ban you from commenting on my blog.
That is all, you are dismissed.

11:08 PM, May 17, 2005  

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