The Title Change...
As you may have noticed the title of the blog has been changed slightly from "Chuck's Occasional Rants" to "Chuck's Occasional Rants (now banned in 15 countries)". The reason for this is that due to the content of this blog it doesn't meet the standard of acceptability in 15 different countries on the world. The countries ban certain websites according to their own rules however idiotic those rules may be. Because my blog talks about politics, foreign affairs, freedom, and political dissent, I have violated the Internet rules for 15 different countries. The countries are (in alphabetical order): Belarus, Burma (Myanmar), China (Communist version), Cuba, Iran, Libya, The Maldives, Nepal, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam.
Most of these countries come as no surprise. In fact, the only surprise on the list is North Korea. I didn't even know that that backward-assed country even had computers, let alone the Internet. Hmm, guess you learn something new everyday. As I said, I am not surprised by the list. Of the 15, 12 are dictatorships (all but Libya, Saudi Arabia, and Syria), and the remaining three are the home of terrorist regimes. So as I said no surprise here. Oh well, what does one do when confronted by a group of nations run by degenarates with small penises and low IQs that make up the world's collective rectum? (There, that ought to really get me banned!)
As always, I am Chuck and to the countries that don't like what I say, kiss my big white ass!
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