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Chuck's Occasional Rants (now banned in 15 countries)

This is where I rant about my life, the way things are going, the state of the nation, or anything else that catches my attention. These entries reflect my opinion on a given subject. That opinion may be viewed as anything from informed to insane, but nonetheless it is mine. If you disagree with me, remember no one is forcing you to read this blog. As to the blog name, according to sources, the content of this blog most likely violates certain banned speech laws in 15 countries.

Location: Parts Unknown, Pennsylvania, United States

I am male, 41, heterosexual, caucasian, and still living (to the best of my knowledge). I won't mention my political views as I am sure that you will figure them out from the entires in this blog (unless you are a Tea Party member in which case you are probably too uneducated and downright stupid to figure it out.)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Teabaggers, Their Philosophy, And Its Unintended Consequences...

Hello again everyone! I hope everyone is doing well and still has their health (because having a job might be a little too much to ask.)
The topic of today's "rant" is the Tea Party, its philosophy, and the unintended consequences of that philosophy.
We all know that the Tea Party, or as I like to derisively call them, the "Teabaggers" (if you don't know what "teabagging" is, look it up on Google [trust me, to call someone a teabagger is NOT a compliment]), are a group of people upset that their fascist agenda has been derailed by the fact that a moderately liberal Democrat occupies the White House. Now the fact that most of this hand wringing by the teabaggers is primarily due to the fact that the occupant of the White House is Black (or African-American, if you prefer), has nothing to do with what I am about to speak about. While the racist element is a big part of teabagger philosophy (see their attitude toward Mexicans and Latinos in general), that is not the part of their philosophy I wish to address.
The part of their philosophy that I wish to address has to do with their espoused Libertarianism. Libertarians like to believe in something called "rugged individualism." Rugged individualism is the idea that people should make their own way in life with no help whatsoever from the government. In other words, if you lose your job and are starving, rugged individualism dictates that you should become homeless and starve to death rather than ask the government for aid such as food stamps. You should become homeless and starve because according to rugged individualism, and the teabaggers, it isn't the government's problem that you lost your job (even though your job loss probably wasn't your fault) and cannot feed yourself. The teabaggers add to this tenant that the reason that you can't get a new job isn't because the economy is in the shitter due to eight years of the Republicans raping it for their and their rich patrons' gain, but simply because you are LAZY. That's right, no one is willing to hire you because you are LAZY, not because there are few jobs to be had. Apparently, according to the teabaggers, unemployment isn't an economic condition, it is a character flaw. This lack of economic understanding is one of the first things that alarms me about the teabagger movement. These people want to lead our country. They want to take control of one of the world's largest and most complex economic systems, and yet they don't have the faintest idea of how that economy works. They bandy about slogans like "Buy American," but they haven't a clue as to how the world economy is integrated to such a degree that it is nearly impossible to buy something that is made solely and wholly in the US.
Another tenant of teabagger philosophy is that all spending on domestic infrastructure should cease. However, at the same time, the teabaggers believe that the domestic economy should grow. Once again this indicates that the uneducated leaders of the teabagger movement have no clue as to how economic growth and infrastructure improvements are interrelated. Way back in the 1800's, before America was an expanding country with an expanding economy, businessmen and the government wanted to expand their markets. The economy at the time was primarily regional rather than national. Businessmen wanted to expand the regions in which they did business to improve their profits. The government also wanted to expand the economy so that they could collect increased tax revenues and so that they could provide the citizenry with increased economic opportunity and access to the improved good and services that expanded businesses would provide. The solution to this desire to expand the economy was to improve domestic infrastructure. At first, this consisted of paving existing roads with, primarily, stones. Later, the national road system was expanded, followed by the digging of canals, then the railroads came along, and finally asphalt paved roads and the national interstate system we are familiar with today. At all stages of this improvement, the government spent money on domestic infrastructure by improving existing structures and building new additions. Now let us look at what the teabaggers would do. First of all, by stopping spending on infrastructure, countless highway and transportation workers would be thrown out of work, thus adding to an already flagging economy (just what we needed, more unemployment). Then, as less money was sent to the states for the purposes of upgrading infrastructure, roads would begin to deteriorate, bridges would begin to fail, and if left in place long enough, the economy would grind to even more of a halt due to the fact that you couldn't ship good from their place of manufacture to the existing markets. That means that, if you live in, say, Pennsylvania, and you need tires for your car, and those tires are manufactured in Ohio, you are shit out of luck since most of the interstate between PA and OH will be potholed beyond drivability, not to mention that most of the bridges between here and there will have collapsed due to lack of maintenance. On top of that, you won't be able to afford those tires because you won't be able to get to work since the roads you take will have long since fallen in to such a state of disrepair as to be all but impassable. But hey, if this is your idea of improving the US, just vote for those clueless teabaggers come November 2nd.
On top of this, services currently provided by the government such as school lunch programs, the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) nutritional programs, Aid to Families with Dependent Children, Food Stamps, and just about anything that doesn't benefit big business or the military, will be ended by the teabagger agenda. If you want to see mass poverty and starvation on a scale not seen since the Great Depression, vote for the teabaggers. If you want to see the US turned into a third world country where the rich and big business can do anything they like, regardless of what the law says, vote for the teabaggers. If you want an employer to be able to work you 80 hours a week with no overtime, if you want to work for a few cents an hour with no minimum wage, if you want no unemployment insurance, if you want your Social Security to be invested in the stock market with no protection against market crashes, if you want no Workman's compensation protections should you get hurt on the job, if you want no paid holidays, if you want to be a slave to big business with little or no protections against unjust firings, if you want no leisure time whatsoever, then vote for the teabaggers. The above are all things that the teabagger movement has vowed to abolish, curtail, or enact if they are elected. These jerkoffs claim to be pro-American, they claim to want to improve the country, but their policies are anything but pro-American or improvement oriented. Instead, their policies will turn this country into a third world banana republic with untold riches for big business and the already rich and crushing poverty for the average person.
The teabaggers like to say that the national debt is the highest ever and that this will turn us into a third world country. Wrong (as usual). The uneducated, and frankly, dumb as dogshit leaders of the teabaggers can't even get simple numbers right. That or they are just outright lying. Which one is it guys, stupidity or lies? The current debt as a percentage of GDP, according to the Congressional Budget Office is 62%. The record, also according to the CBO, occurred in 1946 with the debt being 109% of GDP. Gee another item that Beck, Palin, and the teabaggers got wrong.
I hope and pray that people will see that the supposed "experts", like Beck, Palin, most Fox News talking heads, and the teabaggers are nothing more than shills for a new neo-fascist agenda. I hope and pray that people will wake up and see that these folks are more anti-American, and can do greater damage to this country, than all of the terrorists in the world. After all, these folks are espousing a return to the failed policies of the Bush Administration. The same policies that lead us into this recession/depression in the first place. Why in the world would anyone want to return to those policies, and why in the world would anyone with half a brain want to vote for a movement that espouses policies that will lead us to being a third world nation. Why would anyone want to vote for a bunch of uneducated rednecks who believe that the Constitution is something that says what they want it to say, not what it actually says, and who believe that the body of Constitutional law (all of the Supreme Court decisions regarding the meaning of the Constitution) is, in itself, unconstitutional? Mark my words, if the teabaggers come to power, blogs like this will be outlawed, and I will end up in prison, or in a camp with "Work makes you free" hung over the door, and all because I disagree, and am vocal in my disagreement, with the new teabagger master race.
Wake the fuck up America!
As always, I am Chuck and this has been my rant. Oh, and if you teabaggers are so smart, how about a debate on politics and history in a public forum where I can show exactly how inferior your sub-100 IQ's are compared to my 170+. What say you?


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