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Chuck's Occasional Rants (now banned in 15 countries)

This is where I rant about my life, the way things are going, the state of the nation, or anything else that catches my attention. These entries reflect my opinion on a given subject. That opinion may be viewed as anything from informed to insane, but nonetheless it is mine. If you disagree with me, remember no one is forcing you to read this blog. As to the blog name, according to sources, the content of this blog most likely violates certain banned speech laws in 15 countries.

Location: Parts Unknown, Pennsylvania, United States

I am male, 41, heterosexual, caucasian, and still living (to the best of my knowledge). I won't mention my political views as I am sure that you will figure them out from the entires in this blog (unless you are a Tea Party member in which case you are probably too uneducated and downright stupid to figure it out.)

Sunday, February 05, 2006

You Heard It Here First...

Hello again loyal readers. I trust everyone is doing well.
Well, right to it. As the title says, you heard it here first. In a post dated 22 Dec 2005, I asked which Constitutional Amendment the Bush administration would attempt to destroy next. Well, according to a Washington Post article entitled "Goss Says Leaks Have Hurt CIA's Work, Urges Probe" by Spencer S . Hsu and Walter Pincus, the answer is the First Amendment. According to the article the current director of the CIA, Porter J. Goss, is more than a bit miffed at the leaks. The Post reported that, "CIA Director Porter J. Goss told a Senate committee yesterday that unauthorized leaks of classified information about agency activities have caused "severe damage" to the CIA's operations and that journalists who report leaks should be questioned by a grand jury."
Yup, that's the ticket Porter, let's not do an in-house investigation to discover and stop the leaks, let's go after the reporters who reported the information. Yeah, instead of stopping the leaks ourselves, let's question, and possibly indict, reporters for doing nothing more than reporting the news. So, Porter, what was it that got you all fired up? Was it the fact that the news came from a leak? Or is it the fact that the reporters reported news that you didn't like? Or is it just the fact that you, as part of the administration, hold the same disdain for the Bill of Rights as your more illustrious colleagues? Oh, and why can't you discover the leaks without questioning the reporters? I mean, after all, isn't the CIA supposed to investigate and develop intelligence for this country. I would think that doing that would be somewhat more difficult that catching a leaker. Or are you admitting to the country that your agency's derisive moniker as the "Central Incompetence Agency" is correct? Nope, wait, I finally got it, you and the boys haven't had any good torture candidates in weeks and now you want to torture the messengers, right?
The fact that another administration official wants to use official pressure and intimidation to violate another Constitutional Amendment should give everyone cause to suspect this administration of being repressive. Even you sycophantic, empty headed, hardcore Republicans should now be questioning the methods and goals of this administration. My question is "WHEN ARE YOU PEOPLE GOING TO GET IT?!!!???" This administration, everyday in every way, is pissing away YOUR rights. And all I hear from people is, I am not a terrorist, what do I have to worry about. I have an idea, how about this, for all those people who feel that way, I want you to go buy a bucket of sand. Then take that bucket of sand everywhere you go, that way when someone tells you something that you don't want to hear, you can just stick your head in the sand. Wake up America! The NSA, the CIA, and the administration have all now admitted to having as a goal of their policies the wholesale violation and disposal of your Constitutionally guaranteed rights. This must stop now or one day we will all wake up to find we have no rights anymore!
I am Chuck and this has been my rant. I've decided that I stand for one thing, the preservation of our constitutional rights, and if you don't like it...I don't give a damn!

PLEASE NOTE: This post may show up twice. If it does, please leave me a comment stating that it does so. The reason that it may show up twice is that the first version of it published, then, for some mysterious reason, it stopped showing up in my list of published entries and on the main page of the blog. This may be due to a problem at Blogger, or it may be due to someone having the post removed (for unknown reasons). Therefore, I have decided to republish it. The above post appears in its original form (as published the first time, on Feb 4, 2006 @ 0142hrs EST). If it goes down again, I will simply continue to republish it until the problem is fixed or until whoever is having it removed realizes that fighting with me is an exercise in futility.--Chuck.


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