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Chuck's Occasional Rants (now banned in 15 countries)

This is where I rant about my life, the way things are going, the state of the nation, or anything else that catches my attention. These entries reflect my opinion on a given subject. That opinion may be viewed as anything from informed to insane, but nonetheless it is mine. If you disagree with me, remember no one is forcing you to read this blog. As to the blog name, according to sources, the content of this blog most likely violates certain banned speech laws in 15 countries.

Location: Parts Unknown, Pennsylvania, United States

I am male, 41, heterosexual, caucasian, and still living (to the best of my knowledge). I won't mention my political views as I am sure that you will figure them out from the entires in this blog (unless you are a Tea Party member in which case you are probably too uneducated and downright stupid to figure it out.)

Saturday, November 27, 2004

An article you should read

Hello again.
Here is an article you should read next time you think that the Bush administration is NOT a bunch of petty despots. The article concerns the resignation of Attorney General John "I wanna be like Heinrich Himmler" Ashcroft. It highlights (or lowlights) his record as Attorney General, specifically his destruction of civil liberties (through the Patriot Act) and his institution of systematic legal harassment of Arab-Americans. Should we be surprised that a former member of the Ku Klux Klan has been discriminating against non-white Americans? If you are, then you certainly don't know much about the Klan!
In anycase, to read the article requires you to register (costs $$) or view an advertisement. Just view the ad (takes a few seconds to load and play [with a 56K connection]) and then choose to read the rest of the article. I should also mention that I was alerted to the existance of this article by a link in the "Effector." The Effector is a newsletter electronically published by the Electronic Frontier Foundation. The Electronic Frontier Foundation is a group based in the San Francisco area that fights to defend YOUR online civil rights. What I mean is that they fight for things like fair usage rights concerning digital media (i.e. your right to make a backup copy of a DVD or CD [it is your right to do so despite what the RIAA and MPAA would have you believe]), your right to view whatever information you choose without undue interference from the government, etc. If you find yourself agreeing with the gist of this article, the sentiment of my blog, the idea that, as Jefferson put it, "when a people fear their government, that is despotism, but when a government fears its people, that is freedom," then check out (and sign up with) EFF.
Anyway, here is a link to the article (courtesy of Salon.com):
Less Safe, Less Free by David Cole

Also, here is a link to EFF, if you are interested in them:
The Electronic Frontier Foundation

Until next time, remember that I am Chuck and I not only approved this message, but, unlike the yutzes who ran for president, I also wrote it!


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