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Chuck's Occasional Rants (now banned in 15 countries)

This is where I rant about my life, the way things are going, the state of the nation, or anything else that catches my attention. These entries reflect my opinion on a given subject. That opinion may be viewed as anything from informed to insane, but nonetheless it is mine. If you disagree with me, remember no one is forcing you to read this blog. As to the blog name, according to sources, the content of this blog most likely violates certain banned speech laws in 15 countries.

Location: Parts Unknown, Pennsylvania, United States

I am male, 41, heterosexual, caucasian, and still living (to the best of my knowledge). I won't mention my political views as I am sure that you will figure them out from the entires in this blog (unless you are a Tea Party member in which case you are probably too uneducated and downright stupid to figure it out.)

Saturday, May 08, 2010

What A Load Of Fertilizer!

Hello again.
I'm writing today to tell you about something that has left me absolutely gobsmacked.
I recently downloaded a free program called TVU Player. The program is designed to receive channels broadcast over the internet by various users of TVU's services. Most of the channels are over the air stations from other parts of the world. A few are experimental, and a few are inaccessible due to regional or national restrictions (ex. Germany's DWTV is inaccessible due to the fact that it is available on some cable systems here in the US). Some of the channels broadcast are entertaining and worthwhile, some are the usual crap that you would find on any over the air or cable network channel. But one of the channels stands out.
The channel stands out not for the quality of its programming, but for the fact that it is absolute bullshit. There's no nice way to put it, the channel is crap. The channel in question is listed as channel 71495 and it is called "The Naked Truth."
I have been watching this channel over the course of several weeks off and on. I'm not sure where they dig up their "documentaries," but I do know that wearing a tinfoil hat might be helpful in understanding the shows.
What set me to writing today was a "documentary" on the banking industry. I will grant you that in the current economy, banks are not the most well liked institutions. However, if one believes the documentary, every President from Woodrow Wilson to Barak Obama has been in on a giant conspiracy with every bank in the world to bankrupt the US and Europe. Not only have the banks and the government been conspiring, but the Fed, the IMF, the World Bank, and the UN are also in on it. Apparently, if you believe the documentary, everyone except the common people are in on this conspiracy.
Now given the anti-big bank/anti-big money sentiments of a few presidents, most notably FDR, don't you think that this conspiracy might have leaked out? There is an axiom in intelligence work that the more people who know about a secret the more likely it is to leak. A little research shows that, according to AAAdir.com, there are 13018 banks in the world. These are not branches, they are actual incorporated banks. That makes the number of executive position people, who would most probably have access to information concerning this supposed conspiracy, at least 13018, more likely the true number is at least double to quadruple that number. So for arguments sake let's set the number of people who have access to this conspiracy at 2 per bank, which means that the total number of conspiring people at just the banks is 26036. Now add in the heads of the 10 largest economies in the world, that's 26046. Add in the heads of the World Bank (1), the Fed (1), the IMF (1), and all of the delegates to the UN from Western Europe / the EU member states (27), Asia (major economies like Japan, China, etc) (3), North America minus Mexico (2), Australia (1), and that brings the total to 26082. Now given that the length of time a secret is kept is inversely proportional to the number of people who know the secret, don't you think that somewhere along the line someone might have spilled the beans?!!?
Not only does this channel show tinfoil hat documentaries, but it also purports to tell the truth about things like the Health Care bill, and other somewhat controversial (at least to the right wing nuts called the "Tea Party") things like global climate change. Most of the thing spewed from this channel can be debunked with a simple trip to websites like Politifact and Fact Check. More worrying, however, is the fact that the propaganda shoveled out on this channel sometimes mixes enough fact with outright fiction to be believable. Even more worrying than that is that some people actually believe what the channel broadcasts is the absolute Gospel truth. What is the most worrying is that the people who believe this crap not only vote, but they tell their friends about this stuff. They tell one friend who tells another and so and so forth until you have a whole herd of people believing that the banks conspired to plunder the economy and that the new Health Care Bill will require death panels (not true) and computer chips to be implanted in your hand for identification purposes (also not true). The sad part of all of this is that, unfortunately, it occasionally finds its way to the likes of Fox News (specifically Glenn Beck) and gets dispersed to all the little "Beckites" who take this bull to be Gospel truth just because he said it.
Now, I am all for free speech (that's part of what this blog is about). However, I am not for turning off your brain and letting people like "The Naked Truth", Fox News, and Glenn Beck do your thinking for you. Unfortunately, this seems to be what a great number of people are doing in this country. Devoid of ideas of their own, people have started letting the right wing nutjobs on channels like "The Naked Truth" and Fox News plant ideas in their heads without realizing that those ideas run counter to what is in the best interest of the person parroting them. Of course, the people parroting these ideas also think that the Health Care bill sets up a system like Canada has (it doesn't, Canada is a single payer system, the US still gets to select a plan from among the dozens of private insurers out there, it is just that the gov't will subsidize insurance for those who normally can't afford it). They also think that some how the Health Care bill takes away their rights (it doesn't, it actually expands your rights if you have a preexisting condition). Yet when asked how the HC bill takes away their rights and freedoms, most have no intelligent response beyond "Fox News said it does and they always tell the truth, unlike the rest of the damned liberal media!" You know, I can name at least five different ways the George W Bush administration took away part of our civil liberties, yet not a single Teabagger can tell me how Obama has taken away their freedoms. I find that curious. But then again, what should I expect out of a movement that aligns itself with an intellectual giant like Sarah Palin ( a woman so dumb that she couldn't find Africa on a map).
So in conclusion, if you use TVU Player and want to be amused (or sickened) watch Channel 71495 "The Naked Truth", and if you don't have TVU Player but you do have cable or satellite and want to be sickened, watch Fox News. Just be sure to wear your tinfoil hat before tuning into either of them!
As always, I am Chuck and this has been my rant.