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Chuck's Occasional Rants (now banned in 15 countries)

This is where I rant about my life, the way things are going, the state of the nation, or anything else that catches my attention. These entries reflect my opinion on a given subject. That opinion may be viewed as anything from informed to insane, but nonetheless it is mine. If you disagree with me, remember no one is forcing you to read this blog. As to the blog name, according to sources, the content of this blog most likely violates certain banned speech laws in 15 countries.

Location: Parts Unknown, Pennsylvania, United States

I am male, 41, heterosexual, caucasian, and still living (to the best of my knowledge). I won't mention my political views as I am sure that you will figure them out from the entires in this blog (unless you are a Tea Party member in which case you are probably too uneducated and downright stupid to figure it out.)

Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas (and an update)

Hello again everyone. I'm not dead and neither is this blog. I haven't been posting due to time constraints.
Street in First, an update. I am no longer working with my consumer W (called so to protect his identity). Long story short, his father, a hypercritical little troll with an anger management problem, decided to accuse me of neglect in front of a mandatory reporter (a person who must report all accusations to the state). An investigation was undertaken and I was found to be not guilty of the charges (actually the charges were found to be "unfounded"). However, due to the fact that the father vowed to continue to accuse me of various charges (stuff that would get me investigated) and eventually get me fired, I decided to resign. I resigned not because of his charges, but simply because a working relationship with the parents would have been impossible from here on out. His son, my consumer, and I got along very well and had a good relationship (very important when working with a pedophile). I believe the father's real problem was twofold. First, he was losing control of his son as I was teaching W to be more independent in all aspects of his life. (Heretofore, W has been heavily reliant on his parents and his parents had greatly controlled the various aspects of W's life. In other words, the parents were control freaks). And secondly, I didn't march to the father's beat. In other words, I did what W and I wanted to do, not what the father demanded that we do. Furthermore, when the father tried to interfere in my personal life a few times he got told point blank to get bent. For those of you wondering what this defective piece of humanity's name is, it is James DeMarco, he lives on 11thBerwick PA and has a vacation home in Leesburg, FL. And just to give you an example of his concern for his son, he is so concerned about W's well being that he would try to have me removed, but he refuses to come up from Florida to visit his son over the Christmas holidays (a very important time to W). Yeah, DeMarco, you're a real winner, a real example of compassionate humanity. All you care about is money and power (as evidenced by the fact that I believe you are skimming the till on W's SSI and have told the Social Security Administration as much. They are currently investigating.) You don't give a shit about your son or his well being. Well, someday you'll kick the bucket and, although he'll be sad for a while, W will realize that he's much better off without you. (Just a note, the person I am talking about is James DeMarco the elder, not James DeMarco the younger. James the younger is an ex State Cop and a pretty decent person, as opposed to his control freak father.)
So having explained that, I am now living with my girlfriend and helping her with her consumer. Things are a little tough but we are making it pretty well.
In other news, I recently increased the size of my electronics collection. I traded that ratty assed computer I did have, the s7700n, on a brand new HP a6123w system. It's not bad for what I want to do. The system came with an AMD Athlon 64 X2 4400+ (2.30 GHz), 3 GB RAM (DDR2), a 500GB HDD (SATA), nVidia 6100-4xx chipset, etc. I had to upgrade a bit to get it to play some of my games so I added an VisionTek Radeon X1300 (256MB) video card and another GB of RAM to the system. I also finished it off by adding an HP w2007 monitor (widescreen 20 in.) and hooked it up to a (secure) wireless home network. It isn't too bad now, going from a 2.7 Vista experience to 3.9. And by the way for those playing at home, Colossus is gone, the new systems name is "Napier's Bones" (I name all my computers after their famous predecessors, so far it has been Univac, Eniac, HAL-9000, Colossus, and, now, Napier's Bones.)
I also added a digital camera to the collection. The camera is actually my girlfriend's Christmas present. She got it early as she wanted to be able to take pictures of her new grandson. The camera is a Kodak C613. It is a 6.2 megapixel camera with all the usual features. I added a 1 GB SD memory card to it so that, now, she can take almost 1700 pictures (on the highest pixel rate setting) without having to empty the camera's memory! And don't let some salesman talk you into a $300 or $400 model, I bought the camera at Best Buy for $100 and, in my opinion, it takes pretty damned good pictures. I would say the pictures rival the quality of my old compact auto-everything 35mm, and are very close to my dad's old Canon 35mm SLR. So folks, if you are in the market for a digital camera, and you aren't a professional photographer, I highly recommend the Kodak C613. The camera is around $100 and the memory card will cost you about $10-$20.
The last thing that I added to my electronics collection is also the biggest. On Black Friday, I took advantage of an extraordinary value (even for Walmart) and picked up (after a little running and hunting) a Polaroid LCD HD TV for a bit over $800 (with tax). I also got a wall mount for it while I was there. The tv itself is 42 inches, black, and most importantly, it is a 1080p system. The picture quality is excellent. I think that it rivals some of the more expensive models I looked at in terms of the quality of it picture. I love watching the Steelers games in high definition, you can actually see the blades of grass when they show the low angle field shots! And the new video games look great on it. When I couple the tv with my Pioneer 5.1 surround sound, my movies definitely come alive. The only thing that I need to get for it is either an HD DVD or BluRay DVD player. I will probably get the Bluray simply because I am planning to purchase a PlayStation 3 with my income tax return.
Well, that's about it. I will let everybody know what I get for Christmas.
Speaking of Christmas, I want to wish everyone a happy and safe holiday. If I have one wish for the coming year, it is that we finally achieve some measure of peace before the next Christmas rolls around.
As usual, I am Chuck, and this has been my ho-ho-ho-holiday rant.